Saturday, January 21, 2012

YouTube Trick: Play Snake on Youtube

Did you know that you can actually play Snake game on YouTube? Yes, you can! Here is a very simple trick that I discovered a month ago while I was watching a 20-minute video. So here's the very simple trick.

Click on any videos on YouTube. Notice that once the video loads, it shows up a small loading animation, the revolving dots (shown on the screenshot below).

Once you see the revolving dots, press the arrow down button on your keyboard. VOILA! Enjoy playing Snake while you wait for the video to load.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


All of us have many important and confidential files on our computers. Sometimes we might ask ourselves, "How can I hide them so that no one could ever access it aside from me?".

Now I am going to teach you how to COMPLETELY hide your files and folders. We will use the COMMAND PROMPT.

1. Open the command prompt(CMD). You can do it by clicking the windows orb or the Start button. Then click ALL PROGRAMS> ACCESSORIES> CMD.

2. We will use a sample folder on the drive D:. We will hide the sample folder using the command prompt.

On the command prompt, type the address of your folder or the directory of your efolder. In our sample case, we will type "d:" on the command prompt. Then press ENTER.

3. On the Command Prompt, type attrib (space) The filename or the name of the folder you want to hide (space) +s +h +r.

Your folder or file will now be completely hidden on your pc. You are the only one who can access it. To access your file or folder again, just open Windows Explorer and type the directory of your folder on the address bar. THAT'S IT!

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