Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just Some Qoutes***

Love is a learning process. With love i learn how to care and sacrifice. I learned to be unselfish and give more than wat i can and when everything doesn't end well, I learned how it feels to fall and get hurt but learning doesn't have to end there... Love is a learning process. With love i learn how to care and sacrifice. I learned to be unselfish and give more than wat i can and when everything doesn't end well, I learned how it feels to fall and get hurt but learning doesn't have to end there, after the fall we strive to get back on my feet and move on. this is what i learned, that life doesn't end where heartaches begin. its true that there is life in love but there can still be life even after loosing love.


Never love someone who would lie to you. Who would never show his trust and would never ever let you feel you're loved. Don't talk too much when ur mad. You might say things u dont mean to say. Making a decision takes time. Don't rush. Life is like chess, one wrong move and ur game is all messed up. never let ur pride ruin everything.


Sometimes, the best way to be strong is to admit that u r weak, that u cant do everything on ur own. When u r experiencing things, dont ignore ur feelings. Remind urself that it's alryt to cry and lift ur concerns to God. Once the storm has passed, you'll find that ur naturally emerged as a stronger and better person.t

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